
CCTV and Surveillance

In the last decade, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance systems have witnessed remarkable technological advancements. Not only have these systems grown in individual capabilities, but are now integrated with other cutting-edge security technologies. Industry experts highlight three primary functions of CCTV systems: deterrence, forensics, and interception. Originally designed as a deterrent, the mere presence of CCTV …

Access Control Systems Management

At Royal American Group, our Access Control Systems Management service is a cornerstone of our comprehensive mitigation services and ensures robust security by regulating access to physical spaces, digital resources, and sensitive information within an organization. Employing cutting-edge technologies such as biometrics, smart cards, and key fobs, we ensure that only authorized personnel can enter …

Fraud Prevention and Detection

In the Royal American Group’s portfolio of mitigation services, Fraud Prevention and Detection stand as critical pillars in safeguarding your business against a spectrum of fraudulent activities. Comprehensive solution leverages advanced technology and expert oversight to proactively identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, substantially reducing the risk of financial losses and reputational harm. This proactive approach …

Security Advance

At Royal American Group, we prioritize your safety and preparedness through our proactive Security Advance services. These assessments are conducted before events or travel, aiming to identify security risks and craft customized security plans. Our mission is to ensure your safety and readiness in any situation. The Importance of Security Advances: A security advance is …

Route and venue reconnaissance and clearance

At Royal American Group, we offer specialized Route and Venue Reconnaissance and Clearance services as an integral part of our comprehensive security solutions. Our approach involves a meticulous assessment of travel routes and event venues to identify potential security risks and establish robust measures to ensure a safe environment. This comprehensive service encompasses threat identification, …